We recently had the welcome opportunity to host an evening reception at the Scottish Parliament, kindly sponsored by Jackie Baillie, MSP.

During the course of the evening we took time to update guests from across the sector on our 2021–25 strategy, ‘Future-proofing Cornerstone’ and shared learning from our previous ‘Local Cornerstone’ strategy. We also welcomed guest speaker, Rachel Cackett, Chief Executive of the Coalition of Care and Support Providers (CCPS) who spoke passionately about the challenges currently facing the Scottish social care sector. The session concluded with an engaging Q&A session, with the panel taking questions on a variety of topics including training, carer and staff engagement, learning and development, culture and pay.

During the course of the evening a short video about Local Cornerstone was shared. You can view that video here.

An e-book was also created to capture learnings from Local Cornerstone. You can read it here.

Our thanks to everyone who attended and participated in the event, the feedback was extremely positive:

“Well done all. An honest but very positive and inspiring meeting. It’s been a challenge but the new Cornerstone team are well equipped to deal with everything. Thank you for all your hard work in ensuring the best care for our loved ones.” Caroline McNicoll, family member.

“It was an excellent event, being both informative and refreshing, it strongly reflected Cornerstones values and integrity.” John Legg from advice.scot.

“It was great to have the opportunity to be there, and inspiring to hear how much Cornerstone has learned from the last few years. Well done to everyone, but especially Hazel Brown for her leadership through all this.” David Smith, Ledingham Chalmers.

“It was an excellent event, well run and enjoyable to be present at. The speeches were excellent, providing the right amount of information to paint a clear picture of the story behind Local Cornerstone and where we are now. The lessons learned were a key focus and the transparency of all that brought Cornerstone to its current position was clearly understood.” Helen Stuart, Board member.

“Thank you so much for inviting me to the Parliamentary event last night. I echo so many of the positive comments made, relating to the refreshing honest, open and humble communication. It’s clearly been a very challenging time for all Cornerstone colleagues these last five years but onwards and upwards with the Future-Proofing strategy!” Helen Tuohy, The People Portfolio.

You can read the current 2021–25 strategy, ‘Future-proofing Cornerstone’ here.

If you would like to read more news from across Cornerstone you can click here.

You can read more about what the people we support, our colleagues and teams across Scotland have been up to in our Spring Newsletter.