Audrey is a support worker at Parkholme in our Moray branch.

Before she worked in social care, Audrey was a student at Moray College in Elgin studying for a degree in Fine Art. During that time she worked in Parkholme as a relief worker.

Audrey enjoys her role as a support worker. “The team are really supportive, very encouraging and just wonderful to work for. We always help each other out and work well with the people we support. The longer I work here the better it gets.”

“My favourite part of the job is coming in in the morning and seeing all the people we support and interacting with them. They just bring a smile to your face.”

There are some misconceptions about working in care. Particularly the misconception that social care is simply just providing personal care to the people they support. Audrey’s brother has learning difficulties so she has known for a long time the importance of care and the impact it has on people. She would like to change the belief that support work is simply just personal care.

“The actual job is a very valuable contribution to society and the people we support. We help the people we support to live the best life that they can. We are a part of their lives and help them to be involved in the community they live in.”

“We also try to turn around any negative perceptions that exist about people with learning and physical disabilities.”

Audrey would recommend anyone considering a career in social care to try it.

“It’s a really rewarding job. You come away from here with a smile on your face most days. I love this job.”

Read more stories from support workers like Audrey.

And if you are interested in pursuing a career in social care you can find more information here.