Kyles bikeLockdown brought many different challenges and opportunities to the people we support at Cornerstone. One such person who managed to overcome the obstacles is Kyle who is supported at Cornerstone’s Wardend’s 24/7 housing support service in Elgin. Kyle is passionate about keeping active and has a particular interest in cycling. To ensure that his appetite for staying on the move was fulfilled, one of the Wardend team members donated an old bike for Kyle to fix up.

During the first few weeks of lockdown, Kyle and his support team embraced the new project and transformed the bike. New wheels were added and the brakes were checked. Once lockdown restrictions were eased, Kyle and his support team were able to make the most of their achievements and started to go on cycling adventures. Whilst the biking journeys were well underway, Kyle described his dream of owning a trailer. His support team helped him to source a trailer which was ordered by his mum. Kyle excitedly waited on his parcel to arrive, waking up early every morning until the day it arrived!

Kyle is extremely proud of his achievements and enjoys using the trailer regularly, even using it to help out by taking the glass recycling to the local collection point.

Kyle fixing an old bike