Sean stands in front of some trees, smiling. The sun is shining behind him.Sean is a person we support from Dundee who regularly attends outdoor bowling sessions at Balgay Bowling Club. This year Sean, with the help of Support Practitioner, Bruce set some goals for himself. His goals were; to play more bowls, improve his bowling skills, meet new people and build friendships.

While attending the club in May, Bruce was approached by Darren, one of Sean’s coaches and told about a new bowling club.

The new bowling club was being run by Darren and was taking place in Balerno. This was an excellent opportunity for Sean and his support team to join and play a few times a week.

Bruce spoke to Sean about the opportunity and Sean was happy to try bowling at Balerno where he signed up for a year’s membership. Joining Balerno meant Sean would have more time to play bowls throughout the outdoor season.

Darren gave Sean and Bruce an induction of the club, showing them all the facilities and making sure they knew the opening times.

Sean now plays once a week with staff members or fellow players at the club. Sean already knew one of the players at Balerno as they also play at Balgay which meant Sean felt more at ease coming to the club.

Bruce, Sean’s Support Practitioner commented;

“By joining the Balerno Bowling Club not only has Sean improved his outdoor bowling skills but he has more interaction with fellow players that Sean hasn’t met before. Sean has already mentioned to staff he would like to renew his membership next year as he is enjoying himself that much!”

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