How we change lives Our news Cornerstone is a SCQF Inclusive Recruiter! Cornerstone is delighted to be part of the SCQF Inclusive Recruiter Programme. Qualifications in Scotland have changed significantly over the past several years. The SCQF is Scotland’s National Qualifications Framework which provides a way of recognising, describing and comparing the difficulty and notional time taken to achieve a whole range of qualifications and learning programmes. In addition to mainstream qualifications the SCQF also contains vocational and skills-based qualifications, and learning programmes developed and delivered in the workplace or community. The Inclusive Recruiter Programme helps employers understand the comparable worth of different qualifications and encourages the use of SCQF Levels in the recruitment process to offer clarity around skills and experience. Becoming an SCQF Inclusive Recruiter will allow us to; • Develop a clearer and more inclusive recruitment process • Properly benchmark and map the skills of employees/ applicants to any job role • Promote equality of all qualifications across the organisation We recruit on values and transferable skills and by using the SCQF levels in our recruitment processes, instead of specific qualifications, we hope to attract a wider pool of candidates who may never have considered a career in the Health and Social Care sector before. If you would like to read more news from across Cornerstone you can click here. Manage Cookie Preferences