Cornerstone marks 42nd anniversary with launch of Weekly Lottery To mark our 42nd anniversary, we have launched a new weekly lottery to help raise funds for people with learning disabilities, autism and complex care needs across Scotland. For just £1 a week, lottery players can win a jackpot prize of £25,000! And every time you play, you are helping someone to live their best possible life by receiving vital care and support from Cornerstone. “Why not give Cornerstone the best birthday present ever and sign up to our new weekly lottery today!? Playing our weekly lottery gives our supporters the chance to win fantastic cash prizes whilst raising vital funds to help us to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities across Scotland. It’s simple to join. Sign up today at for the chance to WIN BIG!” - Julia Smith, Cornerstone’s Public Fundraising Manager. If you live in Britain and are over 18 you can enter online today. You’ll be sent a six-digit lottery number which is selected at random. This will be unique to you for as long as you play. And you can have more than one chance and number if you wish. The draws take place every Friday and the result will be published on the winners’ page. For every £1 raised from our lottery, 50p goes directly to helping Cornerstone to care for people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs. Please gamble responsibly. You can sign up today at Manage Cookie Preferences