Thank you to everyone who has completed this year's customer survey. All feedback received helps Cornerstone understand what we are doing well and what needs to improve. Our short survey is aimed at a wide range of people from family members, carers, professionals, and of course the people we support.

During the 2022-2023 period we received 136 responses. The majority of people who responded to the survey were family members (71) or a person we support (35) - with the other 30 responses coming from a collection of ‘professionals, carers and “other.” 

Of the 136 responses, 89% answered that they are “completely happy with Cornerstone” - this is a significant and positive increase on last year’s percentage of 79%. 10% of people answered they were “mostly happy” with Cornerstone and only 1% of people indicated that they weren’t at all happy with Cornerstone. Some anonymised comments include:

“Cornerstone have recently started supporting my brother and he is so much happier and relaxed. This has given me great peace of mind and allowed me to get on with my day without worrying.”

“My son and his main Support Practitioner have a fabulous relationship. The Support Practitioner understands him very well and treats him with great respect.”

“I’m happy in my flat and happy with the support I get from my staff team.”

Of course, it’s also vital for us to identify areas we can improve on. Key areas for improvement highlighted in the survey this year included communication, recruitment/ staff retention and providing better pay for staff - all points that we will be taking on board and are making plans to address. 

Overall, the responses show a consistently high level of customer satisfaction and all questions show increased positive results from last year which is very encouraging. It is hoped that as we continue to move forward from the pandemic and strive towards our strategic aims that the customer satisfaction will be sustained and indeed further improved next year. 

If you would like to complete our next survey, you can do so here.