Two years of Shared Lives in the Scottish Borders Shared Lives is all about one household sharing their lives, families, home, interests, experience and skills with other people who need some help and support. Cornerstone’s Shared Lives service was first established in 2001 and has been growing ever since; currently working across eight local authority areas. In 2019 a new project in the Scottish Borders was commissioned and a new team was recruited. The team started on the 2nd March 2020, just prior to lockdown and have worked incredibly hard over the last two years with the guidance and expertise of the wider team to recruit, assess and build a Shared Lives community in the area. To date, the Scottish Borders service has eight full-time arrangements, three short break carers in the process of being matched to existing and new supported people, as well as four approved family-based support carers. Marissa Speed, Family Placement Lead, in the Scottish Borders, explained. “As we enter Year Three of the project we have several individuals identified as potential carers, each in different stages of the application and assessment process. Some applicants are currently foster carers and will transition over with the supported individual already in their care; allowing those supported to continue to live with the carer in the family home. The team are excited with the progress to date, outcomes achieved and the potential development opportunities presented in the Borders to grow this model of care.” You can read more about what the people we support, our colleagues and teams across Scotland have been up to in our Spring Newsletter. For an example of the amazing work done by Shared Lives carers and the incredible Shared Lives team you can read about Donna and Dave’s experience here. Manage Cookie Preferences