Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) Expand Helpline: 0800 028 1456 Find your local Citizens Advice Bureaux
Autism Network Scotland Expand We work in collaboration through strategic partnerships and sharing knowledge to drive change and support positive well-being for autistic people across Scotland. Tele: 0141 444 8146 Website:
Care Inspectorate Expand The Care Inspectorate is a scrutiny body that supports improvement. They look at the quality of care in Scotland to ensure it meets high standards. Where they find that improvement is needed, they support services to make positive changes. Website: Find your nearest Care Inspectorate office
Health and Social Care Scotland Expand Health and Social Care Scotland is a collaboration of health and social care leaders and managers from across health and social care partnerships (HSCP). HSCPs manage community health services and create closer partnerships between health, social care and hospital-based services. Contact Health and Social Care Scotland
Independent Living Fund (ILF) Scotland Expand ILF Scotland operates as a discretionary fund providing financial awards to over 3,000 disabled people in Scotland and Northern Ireland to help them live independently. 0300 200 2022
Social work services in your area Expand gives people and businesses information about and access to public services in Scotland. We work closely with public sector organisations to make public services easy to find and understand. Find your nearest Social Work department
Mental Welfare Commission Expand Mental Welfare Commission's role is to safeguard the rights and welfare of everyone with a learning disability, mental illness or other mental disorders. Contact the Mental Welfare Commission
National Involvement Network Expand The National Involvement Network (NIN) is a network of people who receive social care support who have been meeting since 2007 to promote involvement and share ideas about things that matter to us most. Most members have learning disabilities or other additional needs. We wrote the Charter for Involvement and are now working to promote it across Scotland. 0131 663 4444
Office of the Public Guardian Expand The Office of the Public Guardian has a general function to supervise those individuals who have been appointed to manage the financial or property affairs of adults who lack the capacity to do so for themselves. Contact the Office of the Public Guardian
Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities Expand The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disabilities work in partnership with people with learning disabilities of all ages and family carers to challenge discrimination and to develop and share good practice. 0141 248 3733
Mental Health Directorate - Scottish Government Expand The government has published a number of pages on its website to give more information on what it is doing to support people living with a range of issues, including autism, dementia and learning disabilities. 0131 244 4006
Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory Expand The Observatory has been set up to provide better information about the health and health care of people with learning disabilities and people with autism in Scotland. The Observatory will generate and translate information into knowledge, that is designed to inform actions, practice and policy to benefit people with learning disabilities and people with autism. Contact the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory
Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) Expand The SSSC regulates the workforce and aims to make sure that the people of Scotland can count on social services being provided by a trusted, skilled and confident workforce. 0345 60 30 891
Self Directed Support Scotland Expand SDSS champions local Independent Support organisations who provide quality advice and support on Self-directed Support. We campaign for true SDS implementation when it comes to social care delivery throughout Scotland. 0131 475 2623
The Alliance Expand The Alliance are the national third sector intermediary for a range of health and social care organisations. 0141 404 0231
Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Expand The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance promote, support and defend the principles and practice of independent advocacy. Independent advocacy supports people to navigate systems and acts as a catalyst for change in a situation. Independent advocacy can have a preventative role and stop situations from escalating, and it can help individuals and groups being supported to develop the skills, confidence and understanding to advocate for themselves. 0131 510 9410
Partners in Advocacy Expand Partners in Advocacy provide independent advocacy for individuals living with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, physical disabilities and people over 65. They also provide independent advocacy to children and young people who are living with mental health issues, additional support needs and learning disabilities. They remain the only independent advocacy service working Scotland-wide that supports children aged 12 to 15 to have their views considered when decisions are being made about the support they get with their learning. 0141 847 0660
Scottish Children's Reporters Administration Expand The Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) is a national body focused on children and young people most at risk. SCRA was formed under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1994 and became fully operational on 1st April 1996. Our main responsibilities as set out in the Act are: To facilitate the work of Children’s Reporters, To deploy and manage staff to carry out that work, To provide suitable accommodation for Children’s Hearings. The Children’s Hearings System provides the operational setting in which SCRA and our partner agencies work. The aim is to provide a safety net for vulnerable children and young people and deliver tailored solutions which meet the needs of the individuals involved while helping to build stronger families and safer communities. Find your nearest SCRA office or call 0131 244 8201
Police Scotland Expand In an emergency always dial 999 For non-urgent crime, contact your local police office or call 101