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Get involved and into the spirit of the game with our sweepstake for the 2022 World Cup to raise money for the people we support at Cornerstone. 

Lee is a huge football fan and is supported at our Fairfield service in Dundee.  He plays in goals (his favourite position!) for Dundee United's Community Trust team and trains with them around three times a week.  So far this season, he estimates to have saved at least eight crucial goals!   

Lee, who has Fragile X and is on the autistic spectrum, receives care and support from Cornerstone’s housing support and care at home teams. They help to promote his independence, enabling him to maintain his own tenancy, manage his own meals and most important of all, travel to football training! He enjoys outings to the shops in the company of his support team and they will often travel with him to support his football tournaments and cheer him on from the sidelines!    

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of his team, and the generosity of supporters like you, Lee was able to fulfil a lifelong dream last year, on his first ever trip to London. A very special moment was his visit to the London Stadium where his beloved West Ham United play. His favourite part, of course, was sitting in manager David Moyes' very own seat in the dugout! 

Playing and supporting football is a massive part of Lee’s life and is a great example of how Cornerstone supports people across the country to fulfil their dreams and live their best possible lives, thanks to your donations.  

Why not join in Lee’s enthusiasm and arrange your own World Cup sweepstake to raise funds for the people we support at Cornerstone? 

How to play the sweepstake

  • The sweepstake organiser sets the donation amount per entry. We suggest £3, £5 or £10. 
  • Put all the World Cup team names into a bowl / hat / virtual randomiser or whatever you have at hand!  Everyone participating is allocated a total number of teams to pick out of the sweepstake, ensuring that all 32 teams are allocated evenly across the number of participants (e.g. if only 16 people playing, each person would get 2 teams, 8 participants would get 4 etc.) 
  • The organiser should use the sweepstake handout to keep track of who has drawn which team(s).   
  • After the World Cup final, the money collected gets split equally between the lucky person who drew the World Cup 2022 winners and Cornerstone. 

Download my sweepstake pack

Pay in details are available on the sweepstake handout.