SSE and Donohoe Court Garden Project

SSE recently helped us complete Donohoe Court's Garden Project. Read all about the fantastic day here! Read more

EnQuest Ltd Donation

Read about our recent donation from EnQuest Ltd here! Read more

Cornerstone and CNOOC International

Cornerstone’s Sunnybank service benefitted from a donation of nearly £5,000 from CNOOC International which was used to provide a sensory space. Read more

Successful Partnership Working - John Clark

In 2019 Cornerstone was lucky to be chosen as the Charity of the Year for John Clark Motor Group alongside Aberdeen-based charity VSA. Read more

Kenny's "still game" for the 42 for 42 fundraising challenge!

Kenny, one of the people we support took on our 42 for 42 fundraising challenge and walked 42 miles in February raising more than £300 for Cornerstone! Read more

Mary's gift to Cornerstone

Find out how a gift in will, like the remarkable one received by Cornerstone from Alexanderina Williamson, can transform lives. Read more

In memory of Linda Smedley

Tony, Stephen, Brian and their family completed a Ben Nevis hike in memory of their late mum and much-loved wife, Linda Smedley. Read more